From Failures to Favorites – Fun With Editing

Carrizo Plains National Monument

One of my favorite ways to pass the cold dark days this winter is to spend time editing my images. I still have a lot to learn when it comes to the intricacies of photo editing software programs like LightRoom and Photoshop. As I mentioned last week,  there’s so much to explore!

I have learned how to make my photos better through basic color correction, exposure, and cropping, but I haven’t really gotten to the point of transforming my images into graphic illustrations.

This is the original of the Feature image.

Color Correction

I’ve learned that opening up the shadows and darkening the highlights often makes landscape shots better, but darkening the shadows really makes the colors pop in many flower images.

I’m usually not one to alter my photos into something that wasn’t there – I just want to make it a truer representation of what I saw. But one fun trick I’ve discovered – you can turn a vivid sunset into a moonrise simply by changing the white balance from As Shot to Auto in LightRoom.

As Shot
Auto White Balance

Presets can be fun to play with, too.

Correcting Exposure

One thing I’ve enjoyed trying this winter is salvaging total crap pictures that before now I would have just deleted. Photos that are ridiculously crooked or badly exposed, transformed with just a few clicks.

Here’s one that was totally washed out. I was experimenting with long exposures at dusk and this one was too long. The edit looks much better, but the highlights are still washed out. Not perfect, but a good way to salvage a memory.

This image was way too underexposed and really crooked. Should have gone in the trash bin, but I played with it and enjoyed the results.


Not only can cropping get rid of distractions in a photo, but it can also mimic the effect of having a lens that gets you a lot closer to your subject. I can’t afford a macro lens or a long telephoto, but occasionally I can fake it –

Sometimes the standard shape of a photo is just not the best way to present that subject. Maybe it looks better long and thin, a panoramic view. Or maybe it works best as a square. This is my favorite photo edit of the week. The shot just needed to be square.

Thank you, Tina, of Travels and Trifles for this week’s Lens-Artists Photo Challenge, From Forgettable to Favorite.