The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

Joshua Tree National Park

“Please don’t take my sunshine away.”Traditional

Wrangell St. Elias National Park sunrise
Autumn sunrise from my bedroom window

The sun will come out tomorrow.  Umm, maybe, but not for long enough. I’m about to enter the long dark.

I’m staying in Alaska this winter, for the first time in many years, and I’m dreading it. Dreading the dark. Dreading the cold. Wondering if I made the right decision. I’m already freezing.

Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
I’d rather be in the desert – or at Bosque del Apache

I’d rather be in the desert, or hanging out on the Pacific Coast. But 2020 is a different kind of year. Travel just doesn’t seem like the wise or responsible choice this time around. There’s Covid, and the strife and uncertainty of a nation at odds with itself. I feel the need to be near like-minded souls and people who know and love me, instead of playing the eternal wanderer. At least for a little while.

Mendocino Coast near Westport
Or hanging out on the Pacific Coast

There are some good aspects to a winter in Alaska. It’s pretty. Actually, pretty damn beautiful. I’ve been aching for the aurora. The warmth of good friends is most definitely the most important reason to stay. But still, I don’t think I’ll make a habit of it.

Winters in Alaska are pretty – pretty damn cold!

Little darling, the smile’s returning to their faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it’s been here

Here comes the sun,
Here comes the sun, and I say
It’s all right

                        -George Harrison

Thank you, Ana of Anvica’s Gallery, for this week’s theme, The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow. The symbolism of this topic for me on this day is not wasted. I do feel hope.

New Mexico Sunrise
New Mexico Sunrise

Saturday I kept breaking out in tears, tears of joy and relief. I didn’t realize how much I had been sublimating, how deeply the despair and anxiety of the last few days, of the last four years, had penetrated my soul, until I turned my computer on that morning and saw 290 on the electoral vote count. Prayers of gratitude. Especially in these times, we need leaders who feed our hopes, not our anger.

Sunrise in Mendocino County
Sunrise in the Redwood Forest

“Minds that seek revenge destroy states, while those that seek reconciliation build Nations.”     – Nelson Mandela

Wise words. Words for our nation to heed. Words a true leader should live by. Remember these wise words as the events of the next couple of months play out. It’s always darkest before the dawn. I hope our democracy survives the transition. If it does, the sun WILL come out tomorrow.

Long Beach, Washington sunset
The dark clouds won’t last forever. The sun WILL come out tomorrow.