The View from my Front Porch

We all have our priorities in life. Words and actions that guide us on our path. Maybe it’s family, first and forever. Maybe it’s work hard so you can retire by the time you’re 50. Well, I’ve never been especially ambitious. Although I love a lot of people deeply,  I’m basically footloose and fancy free, with no super close emotional ties. So my priority is a little different. From early on, I vowed that the best way to keep my soul alive was to wake in beauty every day.

Bonanza Ridge
Bonanza Ridge

I’ve tried to be true to my vow. I’ve lived in a lot of beautiful places – from the Florida Keys to the Rockies to Hawaii and of course, Alaska. I had the great good fortune to discover, many long years ago, one of the most beautiful places on the planet – McCarthy, Alaska. This has been my home for a long time, and I wake in beauty every day there, as you can see. I took all these pictures one day from my front porch!

I’ve spent winters in McCarthy, winters filled with a peace and solitude few ever experience. But we don’t call it the “do it the hard way club” for nothing. And my half-finished house is not really ready to stay in during the deep cold of a winter in the Alaskan bush. Besides, there are just too many beautiful places in the world to spend all your time in just one, no matter how incredible that place is. Too many ecosystems I haven’t experienced.  Life is short and there’s so much to see!

Porphyry Mountain

So, this winter I’ll be taking an extended road trip. In the coming weeks the view from my front porch will change, as I travel through the West before heading back up North, following the flowers from the desert to the coast.

Fireweed Mountain
Fireweed Mountain

As the view changes and evolves, so will my blog. I will have updates on the wildflowers, of course, but I’ll try to keep things interesting by mixing it up a bit. I’ll share my passion for our public lands as I discover new places. Look for vignettes of quirky, off-the-wall destinations, interesting tidbits about the natural world, lots of pretty pictures, and maybe even a little history now and then.

my favorite view
my favorite view

Join me on my travels by staying tuned to this blog. Follow my posts and share them with your friends. Walk in beauty with me always, I would love the company!

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