Throwback Thursday – Death Valley Wildflowers 2016

This is what Death Valley looked like, a year ago today.

Telescope Peak and Desert Gold (Geraea canescens)

Wildflower season was pretty much at its peak, although a month earlier than usual.

Desert Gold (Geraea canescens) and Desert Five Spot (Erimalche rotundifolia)

The size of the plants, and number of blooms per plant, was absolutely phenomenal.

Desert Gold (Geraea canescens),Desert Five Spot (Erimalche rotundifolia) and Notchleaf Phacelia (Phacelia crenulata)

It won’t be like that this year.

I never saw so many Desert Five Spot, or such big plants!

There was no big soaker fall rain, which is key to a superbloom year.

Happy hummingbirds were everywhere! Costa’s Hummingbird( (Calypte Costae) on Pygmy Cedar (Peucephyllum schotti)

However, it has been raining a lot recently.

Desert Dandelion (Malacothrix glabrata)

Things are greening up.

Gravel Ghost (Atrichoseris platyphylla)

There are not many flowers blooming in Death Valley yet, but what will the future bring?

Death Valley National Park
It’s not the Valley of Death!

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