4 Replies to “Chaos: Who would have guessed that chaos would be so quiet?”

  1. Aargh! I made a dash for it and made it into Canada. Let’s hope I don’t have to pick you up in Anchorage. Let’s hope we still have summer ranger jobs. I appreciate that Jamie is so positive. I need the reassurance, if only to look on the bright side in this moment.

  2. Good to hear from you! I was wondering if you were home in Montana. I started to run, ran a couple of hundred miles, but I’m so very far away and I didn’t want to be a possible Typhoid Mary, so I decided to stay. I second guess myself every day – multiple times a day. The Clash is singing my theme song – Should I stay or should I go now? If I stay there will be trouble, if I go it could be double. So come on and let me know – should I cool it or should I blow? It’s very hard to make literal life and death decisions. I wish I was home. But the desert might be healthier.

  3. Thanks, Tina. I am avoiding crowds and most people all together, But the office for the governor of the state of Alaska said if you plan on coming home come home immediately so I am on the road again. Taking all the protective measures I can whenever I stop for gas or anything – mask, gloves, Chlorox wipes and Purell. Hope you are staying safe, too.

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