Empty Spaces

For this week’s Lens-Artists Photography Challenge, Patti invites us to explore empty spaces in our photography. Empty spaces can draw more attention to our subject, as it does in this wildflower photo.

Grand Hound's Tongue
Empty spaces draw attention to your subject.

In wildlife photography, leaving a lot of empty space in front of your subject gives them room to move.

A meadowlark struts his stuff at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge.
Empty space gives this meadowlark plenty of room to strut his stuff.

Or empty spaces can be used in landscape photography to evoke a mood or illustrate the vastness or wildness of a place. Possibly my favorite place to capture emptiness in landscape photography is Death Valley National Park.

Panamint Valley, Death Valley National Park
There’s a lot of empty in Death Valley’s landscapes.

Empty spaces can accentuate the vastness of a landscape.

An empty landscape, but still beautiful.
The empty space in this image highlights the vastness of the landscape

Including a lonely road can evoke a mood of solitude and remoteness.

Artist's Drive, Death Valley National Park
A lonely road can evoke a feeling of solitude and adventure.

Since many of the most exciting nameless canyons in Death Valley are reached by hiking up an open wash, these wide open spaces create a sense of adventure and exploration in me.

Grapevine Mountains, Death Valley National Park
A canyon in the Grapevine Mountains

But by far my favorite empty spaces to photograph in Death Valley are the sand dunes.

Mesquite Sand Dunes
Mesquite Sand Dunes

With five major dune fields contained within the park, there are a lot to choose from.

Wide open empty spaces of the Panamint Dunes
Panamint Dunes

Emptiness can not only emphasize distance, it can also highlight the sheer massiveness of certain landforms.

Eureka Dunes
Shock and awe – Empty landscapes can take your breath away.

Empty spaces don’t need to bring attention to a particular subject. They can also be used to bring attention to something more ephemeral, like color, as shown in the sunset colors of the feature image, captured in White Sands National Park. Empty spaces also make great palettes for abstract photography. Here is my favorite meditation image, a celebration of emptiness.

Abstract of empty spaces
All is Illusion

Death Valley has been on my mind a lot lately. A huge storm in late August dropped over a year’s worth of precipitation in one day. When the park finally reopened 2 months later, the basin was still filled with water,

Badwater Basin, Death Valley National Park
There’s water still in the Badwater Salt Flats.

If there are enough little rain events in the upcoming weeks to keep seedlings moist, that big storm could lead to great things for 2024. It IS an El Nino year. Dare I hope? Could we actually have a superbloom? It’s possible. Stay tuned. I’ll be watching the weather closely. I’m keeping my dance card open, not committing to any housesits for 2024 yet. I’m hoping that instead, maybe this year, I can once again follow the flowers.

Sunset over Artist's Drive, Death Valley National Park
Can you imagine this wide open empty space filled with flowers? I can.


14 Replies to “Empty Spaces”

  1. Absolutely stunning, Dianne! Your images are beautifully composed and the colors are vibrant. You evoke such a sense of vastness and joyful solitude. I’m speechless! I hope you’ll consider entering the Sony photo competition next year. I just saw a gallery exhibit of the winners. Once again, fantastic photos.

    1. Thanks, Patti! And thank you for the heads up on the Sony competition. I just checked it out and I’m excited to enter!

  2. Wow, some beautiful ’empty’ spaces here! I love the Death Valley dunes in particular 😀 We’re planning on a visit there next year (probably not till October) and I can’t wait to photograph those landscapes!

    1. Thanks, Tina! You’re gonna love it when you get to Death Valley. I look forward to checking out some of your images after you get there!

  3. Well Dianne, no one is better suited to respond to this one than you are, and you’ve not let us down. Your images this week are exquisite. The sand dunes are my favorite, especially “all is illusion” but they are all incredible. Marvelous response to the challenge.

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